I'm really saddened to hear the news of this young girl committing suicide. According to sources she killed herself because of some failed courses. Why would she do something of that sort? That's the the very question we should be asking ourselves. Others claimed it was due to the pressure she faced from the parents, hence she doesn't want to be a disgrace to the family. If that's the case then, what happens to that student who dropped out of school because she was impregnated by some "useless" boy somewhere. Again, we can talk of those who got expelled from the university for one or two reasons. Referring a course is not a bad thing, neither is it good. Some people have used failed courses to become better students than they were before. Failing a course doesn't necessarily mean you are a bad student and a failure, no! As the saying goes, "failure is not when you fall, it is when you refuse to get up from that fall". Talking about she...